Monday, August 17, 2015

I'm Thankful My Birthday is August 16

I’m thankful my birthday is August 16. I just finished my annual birthday bike trip to and from Antrim Park and it was another beautiful sunny day. I don’t remember a birthday of  mine that it wasn’t like this. I’m sure that over the past 63 years there has been rain on my birthday but the middle of August in central Ohio is pretty dependably hot and sunny.

My mom told me I was a ten month baby so I was obviously holding out for this date. Since I was her first it probably just seemed to her like a long hot summer that would never end but I enjoy thinking I was in no hurry. Its a day to just lay back and savor the flavor of the end of summer.

Numerologically speaking I love the fact that 8, 16 and 52 are all multiples of 4, my number. And of course, it is the day Elvis died which means since 1977 there has usually been something going on involving good music if nothing else than listening to the King.

Yes, my birthday is usually a halcyon day that I enjoy spending with Mother Nature including a dip in a rural pond which I’m on my way to do now. It’s good for a morning bike ride to a quiet place to contemplate the passing years of my life as the sun, the blue skies and the billowy clouds reflect on the water of the quarry. As I glided fast down Walhalla Ravine, I sat upright on the bike and held my arms out in the rushing air trying to embrace the warm love and happiness that surrounds me in every way, right now, today, my birthday.

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