Saturday, April 18, 2015


After a winter suspension
    my morning walks resume
    and the ravine is just waking up

Tree limbs are still just black webs against the sky
Broken and sawed off trunks are scattered like dinosaur bones

Newborn bush petals float in pale green and yellow clouds
    of mist across the slopes

Bleached brown survivors who refused to fall
    hang like abandoned laundry on branches
    bravely standing out until they are overwhelmed
    by the coming Spring clothing

Discrete spiked explosions of green
    shoot through the blanket of dead leaves

Recent rains have the creek
    loudly rushing over shale steps
    falling into pools of bubbly froth

A lone emerald head white collar duck
    sits in the swamp

Waiting at the end of my walk
    is an orphaned kitten
    I will begin to love